Love is an emotion.
Love, at one level, is an evolved and amplified version of the simple light (good) – dark (bad) sensory – will (desire) couple that was gifted or developed (depending on your worldview) by the earliest eukaryotic lifeforms.
Merwegon the Wise

Say Whaaaat???
What the heck did that mean????
All lifeforms, if they / we are to survive and have a chance at thriving, must have a link between the necessities and some form of pleasure. (We have to enjoy eating, for example, at least when we are justifiably hungry.)
Even if you are a Christian Fundamentalist Bible Thumper who has the literal version of the 6 day creation story etched in your DNA, you must admit, sticking with your love of Truth, that God re-used the blueprints for the earlier lifeforms again and again, with small tweaks eventually adding up to big changes.
As life forms evolved, more and more complex systems developed within individual species. These complex systems worked to enhance our survivability and thrivability within whatever environment we found ourselves.
The complex systems likewise developed within the micro-environment of its “bag of skin.” That means that sensory input systems interacted with developing hormonal, nutrition assimilation, procreation, etc. systems, to allow the emergence of more and more adaptable life forms.
In other words, life was able to leave the seas, and took over the land and atmosphere as well.
Merwegon the Wise
All of this change has been driven by the precursor of the complex spectrum of attraction emotions we call love. Thus, the Hindu sages who systematized the Chakra system rightfully chose the heart and love as the center of the Kundalini Serpent, which represents the Chakra System
So How Do All The Rest of the Chakras Work to Support the Central or Original Chakra?
Love, or attraction, as we have already noted, must be linked with pleasure so that will (desire) works for survival, thrival, and procreation (reproduction of the life form).
Love, central Chakra 4, thus exists for the primary purpose of survival, Chakra 1. Chakra 4 is thus, at one level, an upgraded, automated, empowered and empowering system that overall enhances chances of survival.
When the lifeform is complex, and it evolves the ability to adapt to multiple environments, the responses to various situations must allow for different branches of a decision tree to be followed.
Merwegon The Wise
If the individual moves to a different physical or cultural environment, different responses may be called for in nominally similar circumstances.
Hence, Chakra 5, associated with the intellect!
In humans, greater intellects can hold, compare and contrast a greater number of simultaneous inputs. The procreating individual or couple, or in the case of some fungi, trinity, who uses their intellect (maybe we should specify consciousness) wisely will do better in life!
But, without a will, Chakra 3, to overcome obstacles, the entity might give up and die.
When all is going well, the procreating entity will successfully produce new copies of its species, or perhaps be the male bird that fertilized the female bird who laid the egg of the first domestic chicken. (See Neil DeGrass Tyson on which came first, the chicken or the egg….), with or without the direct micro-management of God. Hence, Chakra 2, sexuality and reproduction, is inevitably linked with survival (#1 below) and will (or desire, #3 above) supported by, or more accurately, in a self-reinforcing feedback loop with Chakras 4 (love) and 5 (intellect).
Now Chakras 6 and 7? That’s another story!
You’ve neatly correlated the chakras into a well functioning
system! Merwigon rules!
I liked that “Science fiction writer in off hours.”
In order to understand Shona one must know what the 5? Chakras are!
Sorry for my ignorance.
Thank you for reading.
The Chakras are endocrine gland related energy centers in the human body. They run along the spine and up into the top of the head.
This is a good very basic introduction to the Chakras. This is a foundational concept similar in nature to the idea of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs, but from Hinduism (and used in Buddhism, and based on true science) and thus good for those with interest in interfaith topics to know about.