Note the symmetry of the gold (secretions) and clear (water?) beads. Can you see the water droplets where it looks like the eyes might be forming?
The miracle of life! The joys of a close up camera lens… I found these bugs on the glass door to my office on June 26, 2011. So we are pretty seasonal here.

EIGHT HOURS LATER, they were still on the door, but had apparently had enough of such intimacy.

2011 was a good year for bugs on my office door. I named this on “linoleum bug” since it’s pattern reminded me of said floor covering. Look at the shape of the head. Compare to what is visible toward the downward hanging end of the monarch chrysalis. Maybe two the gold spots are for antennae.

Scroll down to the next post to see more views of the Monarch chrysalis.
Beautiful running commentary of monarch development! For those of us lacking our own to follow, it’s wonderful to follow with you! New additions of screen bugs-quirky little critters aren’t they!
You’re right about the feathering effect on the colorful beetle type bug-maybe that’s to deflect birds from eating?!