Ask Linda When She’s Ten Feet Tall

Part A






Linda often harbored thoughts of conforming to society. Of wearing society’s clothes. But she knew she’d have to take the blue pill every morning, and highly preferred the red. She knew that the red pill was for reality, while the blue pill was for fantasy. It was obvious. Blue pie in the sky. Red was solid flesh, earth and life’s blood.

She finally tossed the blue pills in the trash.

Part B

Now Linda could think more clearly. Now her true thoughts came to the surface.

Linda’s nascent understanding of who she was started to grow.

She started to catch some of her perceptions on their way to being modified; on the way to becoming thoughts, feelings and knowledge.

Part C

Linda started to experience awe more often. She devoured the literature on consciousness. She learned that chimpanzees can covet their neighbor’s sexual partner. Chimpanzees can covet their neighbor’s social status. But chimpanzees can’t ask “Is there another I, besides the one in this body, limited to these sexual partners and this place in the social structure?”

Part D
Linda started seeing her limitations dissolve. Linda knew that she was no longer a toddler, a kid, a teen, a college student, an independent head of household, with all of those incumbent burdens.

Part E

Linda no longer saw the fields of green, the flowers of red. Instead she saw the blades of ancient grasses. She saw her far ancestors harvesting the few golden wheat seeds which clung to their stalks. She saw the flowers with the eyes of the bee, so much closer to their real glorious colors.

She saw, through the eyes of the mole, the worms wriggling under the dark earth.

She experienced the jubilation of Hypatia, at the knowledge stored in the modern library of Alexandria.

She experienced liberation from care, after sitting at the feet of Patanjali.

She saw the sunlight. She no longer needed artifice from a venerable human to create interest in the world.

Part F
Linda walked to the fridge. She still needed to eat. She saw that old magnet declaring Hare Krishna! This time she understood. This time she knew what awaited her, the next time she chanted the name.

Part G

This time she knew that she didn’t need to chant the name. She was home.

Part H

Scott’s Daily Prompt: Bang!

I hope this story makes a bit of a BANG!


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Engineering consultant by day, science fiction writer in off hours.

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