This was from a prompt to write a piece of advice for every letter of the alphabet. It was surprisingly easy. Of course, not all advice is suited for every situation! But I would guess that I have done most of these at some time. As far as killing my enemies, it’s been insects and woodchucks. Woodchucks are definitely my enemies!
After you have an epiphany, stop to make an aphorism.
Bring a cake when you go to a funeral.
Create something new every day!
Do the right thing!
Every deed requires its own remedy.
Fuck off!
Good people can still act like assholes, and it’s ok to demonstrate that for the benefit of the narrow minded.
Have a happy day!
Into every act, put intention.
Join at least five clubs, especially if you are anti-social.
Kill your enemies. Go ahead. Do it. It will give you karmic experience.
Let the other people worry about it.
Mean what you say and say what you mean.
Never shed a tear for a fascist.
Open the door to your heart.
Pop your corn in an air popper.
Quell your fears.
Rest in peace.
Step aside.
Top it off.
Uncover your light.
Vindicate yourself.
Wait for the right time.
X-ray your castings.
Yell when you need help.
Zip your lips.
To quote Janice Joplin…..that was my statement of great social import!
I enjoyed reading this-you never know when one of those will be an inspiration at just the right moment!
Thank you Cathy.
I was trying to remember how to make a new Category to call this HUMOR. Finally getting the website back up after the big mal-ware attack in July, I am having to relearn how to do things in cyberspace!
I read the “why declarations” before realizing that I had read them some time ago.
Glad you read them.
What do you think about them?