A Package

The Mid-Michigan Word Gatherers writing prompt:

What is it that I want, today, now? More specifically, what is it that I want that could be delivered in a box? Well one thing I really want is a box from all the people who deliver my boxes, with a message inside saying that they are not going to leave my packages on my steps outside to get rained on anymore. They have all been notified to leave all packages inside the door, but again and again my packages are left outside to notify the passers-by that nobody is home.

Five years ago, I came home to find my door much more easily opened than usual. Then I found stuff on the floor that I didn’t leave. Then I noticed my jewelry box was gone. They left my outdated laptop. Then I noticed that the wine-colored Egyptian cotton American sewn Israeli owned company sheets I had ordered from JC Penny were sitting outside, on my steps. Invitation to break and enter.

He left the sheets.

The idiot could have walked in the unlocked basement door. But no, he had to break my 100 year old lumber, which of course is not available in the same dimensions anymore. Yes, I am blaming the post office.

More introspection here. Should I blame the Post Office more than the cops, who have failed to apprehend the perp? There were multiple additional B&E’s in the neighborhood in that time frame. I don’t know to whom I attach more blame. More importantly, what do I do with this feeling of needing to blame?

I feel compelled to invest my limited energy in different directions, that feel more meaningful to me, but this is one that really stirs up my aggravation. So I guess I should be grateful to the US Post Office, UPS and FedEx for showing me this unenlightened part of my greedy, egotistical self. At least that’s what the Buddhists would say.

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Engineering consultant by day, science fiction writer in off hours.

2 thoughts on “A Package”

  1. If it were easy to be saintlike there would be far fewer humans walking this earth! How much time does a good person spend trying to work through the weight of things we will eventually leave behind as unworthy of who we aspire to be?

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